A short personnal reflexion on Our Lady's messages of September and October 2014 :
    Dear children, decide for love so that love prevails in all of you, but not human love, rather God's love (November 20, 1986).
    In Her message of September 25, 2014, Our Lady of Medjugorje invites us to look at the sky:

    Dear children! Also today I call you to also be like the stars, which by their light give light and beauty to others so they may rejoice.
    These words remind us that God's love is great and high.
    We need a telescope to contemplate it!
    But even with the help of a telescope, we can not see everything because God is beyond all things!
    In Her message of October 2, 2014, Our Lady of Medjugorje invites us to look at the earth:
    Do you not recognize that all of this that is around you, all that is happening, is because there is no love?
    These words remind us that man's love is small and weak.
    Our Lady needs a microscope to observe it!
    But even with the help of a microscope, the Mother of God can not see anything! There is no love, she says.