Inhabitants of Medjugorje and guides told this story to a friend of mine.
    Pope Pius XI (his real name was Achilles Ratti) was born in Desio (near Milan, Italy) in 1857.

    He was Pope from 1922 to 1939.
    One night, in February 1932, as he was sleeping in his bedroom at the Vatican, he dreamed he was climbing a mountain that he had never seen before.
    He knew he was not in Italy because he had climbed almost all peaks of the Alps.
    When he reached the top, a nice lady, whom he instantly identified as the Virgin Mary, was waiting.
    According to his testimony, she was wearing a light grey dress with a long white veil.

    -"Achilles, she said, I want you to build a Cross where I stand. This place will become very important." 
    He murmured:
    -"Where am I ?"
    And, smiling gently, she added:
    -"Remember that mountain, Achilles".
    Then, the Pope suddenly woke up.
    A few months later, he received a request from the Archbishop of Mostar in Yugoslavia (now Bosnia and Herzegovina).
    The diocese wanted to build a concrete Cross on Mount Sipovac (the former name of Mount Krizevac) to commemorate the 1900th anniversary of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
    When the Pope saw a picture of the site, he whispered : "I was there". It was the mountain he had seen in his dream.
    Then, he signed the order and the work began immediately.

    The parish priest, who was Father Bernardino Smoljan, was informed that Pope Pius XI had dreamed of a Cross on the highest hill in Herzegovina. He told this story to his parishioners during a sermon.